by Debbie Hopper | Jan 1, 2017 | Anxiety, Blog, Child Behaviour, Child Development, Great Health Guide, Meltdowns and Tantrums, Training and Education
Travelling with Children Written by Deb Hopper Published in Great Health Guide articles available in Audio: CLICK HERE FOR THE AUDIO VERSION: School holidays are the perfect time to jump in the car and visit family and friends that we haven’t seen for a long time....
by Debbie Hopper | Aug 12, 2016 | Blog, Child Behaviour, Great Health Guide
Fussy or Problem Eaters? Can you relate with your children? Words By Deb HopperPublished in The Great Health Guide Fussy eating is a phase of development that most families contend with to some extent. Fussy eating is very common in pre-schoolers as they are...
by Debbie Hopper | Aug 9, 2016 | Blog, Child Behaviour, Child Development, Great Health Guide, Sensory Processing
ids’ Sleeping Matters By Deb HopperPublished in The Great Health Guide Many children struggle in winding down and getting to sleep. They have been learning so much through play or learning at school throughout the day. They have been taking in social cues and...
by Debbie Hopper | Jun 28, 2016 | Blog, Child Behaviour, Child Development, Great Health Guide
By Deb HopperPublished in The Great Health Guide Helping Children Develop Friendships – Great Health Guide Article Here Lots of children develop friendships and enjoy planning and participating in playdates. For some, these skills seem to develop naturally....
by Debbie Hopper | May 31, 2016 | Blog, Child Behaviour, Child Development, Meltdowns and Tantrums
[embedyt][/embedyt]Hi, I’m Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist and Amazon number one bestselling author from Life Skills 4 Kids. I just wanted to touch base this month and say hi.We’ve been active in lots of...