Life Skills 4 Kids has experienced child and adolescent clinicians to support your child develop independence and life skills in all areas of their life.

Our team currently includes:

  • Occupational Therapy (OT) – currently we have a wait list
  • Educator/ Keyworker – currently we have availability
  • Allied health assistant who provides therapy programs for both OT and Educator

Our team works with you, your child, and any other supports (schools, other allied health professionals, etc.) to best provide your child with a holistic therapy program to support them to thrive. We support you and your child to develop skills and strategies to learn new skills, be more independent in self care, manage life transitions, learn about and communicate their emotions, and change behaviour.

We’re here to simplify understanding your child’s behaviour, offer easy-to-implement, practical strategies to bring back the joy of parenting, and support you in creating calm, connected homes.

Our team is skilled in a variety of child development areas and can support your child and your family unit to make life easier from day-to-day.

Areas we can support include both assessment and therapy for children who experience difficulty with:

  • Emotional regulation
  • Concentration
  • Following routines
  • Sleep strategies and hygiene
  • Toileting strategies
  • Sensory processing