Understanding The Extent of Anxiety That Might Be Impacting Your Child’s Happiness

Understanding The Extent of Anxiety That Might Be Impacting Your Child’s Happiness

Written by Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist How To Recognise Your Child Is Anxious We all want ‘Just Right Kids’.  We want our kids to be well-adjusted, happy, relaxed and enjoying their lives.  Kids can find life stressful and this article looks at the...
Reducing Back To School Anxiety

Reducing Back To School Anxiety

Written By Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist How To Reduce School Anxiety in Children When Transitioning Back To School The summer holidays can be a carefree, fun-packed time of adventure and shared experiences which neither kids nor parents want to end.  It can be...
Planning your Classroom Management Strategies for the School Year

Planning your Classroom Management Strategies for the School Year

Written By Deb Hopper, Occupational Therapist Classroom management strategies are in class strategies that are developed over time by teacher. Teacher training, mentoring, trial and error and hours clocked in the classroom help teachers to fine tune these strategies...